Favorite movie

Favorite movie
The thin man

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Am I slightly crazy?

Last week (Wednesday night), I found out that my cousin, Bill from B.C., and his family were coming down to the states. And the best thing was that they were going to bring Granny with them. Their itinerary was to leave on Friday morning, stop in Kelowna for a convention on Saturday, and then onto Washington the next day. This meant that Granny would be spending part of the day in a hotel room or at the convention or both.

Then I started thinking...I'm getting paid this week. It's only a five hour drive to Kelowna. Granny would have a chance to rest and recover, before I threw a big family dinner for her on Sunday. Hmmm...

My wonderfull and loving husband, Todd, said to go. He knows how much I love Granny. So, I talked to my cousin and Granny to arrange it - does she want to come early and which hotel do I go to once I am in Kelowna.

And on Saturday morning, I was so excited to get on the road that I woke up at 4:30am, something that I never do on a normal morning. I had a beautiful morning drive. The sun was up, my sunroof was open and I had my shades on. Everything looked so bright and crisp. The border guard was very nice, he just asked the normal questions "Where are you going? Where are you from? How long are you going to be in B.C.?".

And I was on my way! It was a great drive! I had sunlight, scenery and music. And not too many morning vehicles heading north. :)

My Granny has gotten smaller. But she is still a wonderful woman. We had a nice drive back home. I turned off the stereo so that we could talk. And boy did we talk! (My husband sees where that aspect of me comes from.) The drive back home took longer than the drive going up, because I had to stop a few more times than I had that morning. Plus people were out and about, and driving slow (10 miles under the limit) when it got darker.

But I arrived at Granny's sister's place safe and sound. I had a short visit. And Granny got settled in and ready for a chat with her sister. As for me, I was so ready to get home and lay my head down. This trip, short tho' it was did me a world of good.

The picture that I've included was a view of the end of the road down into Kelowna. Since I was just in driving mode and did not take time to take pictures, I found a scene from off of the internet of what I saw.

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